Word prediction in action
Word Prediction in the Classroom
Students and educators demonstrate how word prediction can help students with the physical act of writing and help reduce spelling, grammar, and handwriting errors.
Length: 4 minutes 56 seconds
Learning Guide: Word Prediction in the Classroom PDF
This learning guide is designed for use by Professional Learning Communities, learning coaches and teacher leaders or as a self-paced study to enhance and support teacher practice in learning more about how learning technologies can support student success.
Click through the slide show below to view examples of student writing with and without the support of word prediction.
Teagan’s story
My name is Teagan. I’m in grade four in Mrs. Swelander’s class. Before grade four, learning was boring and hard. I felt like I couldn’t read or write good stories. I liked the field trips because they were fun.
Now in grade four, I feel like I can read and write. I’m proud that I can read. I sort of like writing now because I have the laptop and it helps me with spelling and reading.
Before the laptops I couldn’t get my ideas out. Sometimes my brain worked faster than my hands could write it. Now, I feel like I can get most of my ideas written down and I don’t have to have someone help me do it.
I think some teachers think students who have trouble reading or writing are dumb or lazy. I’m not dumb or lazy. It just takes me longer than other people to learn new things. I have lots of great ideas.
Teachers need to talk to students to see what would help. Sometimes I need more time or need different work to learn the same things as other people. People with learning differences aren’t stupid.
In my class I help other students learn. I use Word Q (word prediction) to help me write and I teach other students how to use Word Q. I use Read Please (text-to-speech)to read things online so I can read all by myself. Mrs. Peters (teaching assistant) doesn’t have to read stuff for me anymore.
I feel proud of myself and I want other students to feel proud too.